Friday, August 26, 2011

Learning to Play Electric Guitar Fast

It can be difficult learning to play electric guitar, despite it being one of the most popular instruments today. Its sheer flexibility in terms of tone, volume, and sound quality has allowed it to dominate every popular music genre for the past 50 years.

electric razor

Learning anything can be difficult at the start, so before you consider learning to play electric guitar, there are some things you should consider:


Your Fingers Will Hurt!

Beginner acoustic guitarists definitely have it easier than electric guitarists. Electric guitars use steel strings, which are thin and painful to play until the player forms calluses. You can buy strings which are thicker and won't hurt the fingers at much, but not only will that affect the sound of the guitar, but forming calluses will take longer. It's best to just stick at it and accept the fact your fingers will sting!

Get To Know Your Guitar

You'll probably be playing you're electric guitar for a while, so you might as well get to know it inside out. What materials are used? What sounds can you get out of it? Playing with the knobs and switches will give you an idea of how to mix everything to give certain sounds and effects. You can also buy effects boxes to further this, although it's something you should consider getting at a later date.

A Good Guitar Needs A Good Amp

It doesn't matter how good, or how expensive your electric guitar was, when you plug it into a low quality amplifier it'll sound awful. If you have already bought an electric guitar but don't have an amplifier yet, you should really consider getting a good quality one straight away. If however, you have bought an electric guitar and an amplifier, and the amplifier isn't that good, don't stress, you can always get one at a later date (and a backup amplifier is always good to have).

Learning to Play Electric Guitar Fast


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