Thursday, September 1, 2011

Electric Car Kits - Are They a Good Value?

If you are thinking about a homemade electric auto, is an electric car kit your best course of action? When you do a electric vehicle conversion the first thing to think about is what kind of car you need. Remember that you will be driving this car around, so you want it to be in good shape, just by putting an electric motor in a car will not make it look better. It does not have to be new, just in good condition, a sound car with a junk motor is a good candidate. Any gas auto can be converted, but the best for conversions are your lighter more streamlined ones, a small truck is a great choice. A good homemade electric car manual will guide you through this process. An electric car kit will generally contain the following items:

electric grill

o D.C. motor


o Adaptor for transmission

o Controller to regulate speed

o Circuit Breakers & Fusible links

o Amp & Volt Gauge

o Battery box

o Miscellaneous parts like cables, connectors and so on.

o A conversion manual

An electric car kit is convenient as they give you all the parts you need to do a conversion. The drawback to buying an electric car kit is that you can get all these parts yourself, they are widely available, and you can get them yourself at a fraction of the cost. A good manual will have links to low cost suppliers and even information on free sources. A key point to remember is that while an electric car kit gives you the parts, you still have to do all the work yourself.

Another point to think about is the cost, most kits are going for over ,000 while a good manual will show you how to do the whole conversion process for around 0-600. The choice is yours pay several thousand to have your parts bought for you, or get them yourself and save money. Since you have to do the work yourself anyway, I choose the less expensive way for a homemade electric auto

Electric Car Kits - Are They a Good Value?


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