When you have difficulty walking, you might consider something that requires a lot of walking, like going to Disney World, to be completely out of reach. Even just moving around the house may seem difficult, but if you use an electric scooter, then you can go places that you did not think were possible anymore.
Electric scooters, also frequently called mobility scooters, are mobility vehicles designed to transport a single seated individual. They are similar to electric power wheelchairs, but electric scooters are controlled by an adjustable handlebar, called a tiller. These types of adult scooters greatly restore a person's mobility and the places that they can go.
The range of an electric scooter varies by model. Some are capable of traveling over 40 miles per charge at speeds of 12 miles per hour. Others have a much reduced range of around 10 miles per charge, but can be taken apart easily to make transportation much easier. No matter what the type is though, they all allow an individual to easily and painlessly get around.
Scooters that are made to be disassembled into easy to handle pieces are referred to as travel scooters. These types of scooters do not have a lot of features or a very large range, but when disassembled, it is possible to place a travel scooter in the trunk of a car or transport it on a plane with ease. The reason these types of scooters do not have as many features is because they are designed to be as lightweight as possible. In fact usually the heaviest piece of a travel scooter will be around 30 pounds.
The major advantage of a travel scooter is its ease of transport. Most people find that they can quickly and easily move their mobility scooter without assistance. If you purchase a non-travel scooter and intend to use it away from the home, you might have to invest in a scooter carrier for your car. There are a few different types of scooter carriers and they are either installed internally or externally.
An external scooter lift is usually very easy to install. They attach to a vehicles hitch and so usually just slide on. Some external scooter carriers are powered by the cars battery and so require minimal installation, some use a rechargeable battery, and some do not use any power at all. The Tilt-N-Go is one popular type of scooter carrier that does not require any power. It can be quickly installed to a Class II hitch or a Class III hitch, but in order to utilize all of its lifting capacity, you should use it with a Class III hitch.
Internal scooter lifts usually require a little bit more of an installation and either use a pulley to lift the scooter or a platform to raise the scooter in a manner similar to an elevator. These types are usually installed in the passenger compartments of vans or in the trunk area.
Many scooters that are not classified as travel scooters can still be easily taken apart for transport. Typically these types of scooters will be much heavier than a travel scooter, so you might not be able to easily move it without assistance.
Electric Scooters - Types and Transportation ELECTRIC
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